《保卫黄河》也是歌单之一。《保卫黄河》明快、豪放、具有浓厚的民族特色,《保卫黄河》有着振奋人心的音调,它的每一句歌词都充满力量。“保卫家乡,保卫黄河,保卫华北,保卫全中国”,这既是几十年前所有抗日英雄的决心,也是如今所有中国人的决心。 张信哲的《过火》也脱...
With the fire that you started in me But you never came back to ask it out Go ahead and watch my heart burn With the fire that you started in me But I'll never let you back to put it out (Thanks) Your love feels so fake ...
“Though we are far apart. 尽管我们天各一方;You’re always near my heart. 你永远靠近我的心房”短短两句话唱尽了爱情中的百转千回,运用互文的修辞手法,淋漓尽致的表达了异地恋情侣...
Cuz all she does is throws it back to me I've spent a lifetime looking for someone Don't try to understand me Just simply do the things I say Love is a feeling Give it when I want it Cuz I'm on fire Quench my desire Give it when I want it ...
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